Saturday, May 18, 2013

I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles!

We woke up early today, even without an alarm clock.  Our bodies must still be on the “get up early for golf” schedule.  We walked up to the clubhouse/office to pay our electric bill and check-out and joined some other RVers for homemade cinnamon rolls.  They may have been homemade, but they didn’t compare in the least to Mary’s Mom’s rolls!!!  We went through the morning routine checking the tow hitch and running the car through its gears, checking the vehicle lights and signals and were on the road a little before 9:00 MDT.  We cruised past Las Cruces and through El Paso, then switched drivers for the ride to Van Horn.  Mary’s cousins, Bethann and Geoff called on the phone while we were stopped for lunch – finally catching up on messages we’d left earlier in the week asking if they were at their New Mexico house.  Since we’d passed on by several hours earlier, we were glad to hear they are still in Virginia.  This drive from Arizona to Abilene is through 800 miles of rock, thorns and scrubby bushes.  We can see for miles and miles and miles and miles in any direction!  We arrived at the Escapee’s Tra-Park in Pecos, Texas around 4:30 CDT (we’d lost another hour today!).  The park is in an area of Texas that has lots of oil drilling going on and they have leased many of their sites to oil workers, and it’s a pretty “bare bones” park in the Escapee’s system.  The park is quite full, but at least they keep some open sites for travelers.  This is where we were parked when our engine failed last fall.  Hopefully we’ll be on the road in the morning with no problems!

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought of the drive thru west Texas as less than exciting:)
